AttaGirl, Inc.
AttaGirl, Inc. is my 501c3 (non-profit) corporation that I co-founded with Hilary Goldberg in 2008. We conduct self esteem workshops that include beauty makeovers, love your body, self advocacy and goal setting workshops.
AttaGirl, Inc. all started when I declared "I am going to change the world through makeup", when I said it I actually didn't know what it meant, all I knew was that I had a vision for all the women in this world to know her self worth, strength and beauty, from the inside out. Approximately one month later, I found myself sitting next to Hilary having our first creative meeting. We were discussing the possibilities of AttaGirl, Inc with a committment to move forward and begin with the women in need right here in our own community of Los Angeles. That was it... the process of beginning our non-profit corporation began. We are surrounded by support of friends and leaders of the community. Please click on the link to read all about it and to find out how to donate, volunteer and support the women of your community. Oh! and don't forget to become a fan on "Facebook"! .